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Finger Scraper™ Conveyor Belt Cleaners

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Infinity Belting's Single and Double Row Finger Scrapers, feature our patented Finger Scraper™ paddles which provide superior cleaning  and performance over traditional scraper blade systems.


The unique design of the Dual Row Finger Scraper enables it to act as a Primary and Secondary cleaning unit on your conveyor system.


Should material make it past the initial row of fingers, the second row is there to remove the overage that has passed the first set of fingers.


The Finger Scraper design along with the patented Finger Scraper™ paddles enable the system to effectively and efficiently remove carry back from your conveyor belts. 


All our conveyor belt cleaners and scrapers are used in a large number of bulk handling operations, including but not limited to:

  • Aggregate

  • Agricultural

  • Bio Mass

  • Cement

  • Coke

  • Co-Generation

  • Forestry

  • Frac Sand

  • Mining

  • Many more applications


Contact us today to find out more about our patented

conveyor belt cleaners.




Single Row Scraper Specification Sheets

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Our Secondary Single & Double Row Scrapers are designed and built to thoroughly clean your belts surface, get yours today.

Heavy Duty - Double Row Scraper Specification Sheets

Double Row Scraper Specification Sheets


Mounting bracket steel construction enables secure Scraper mounting and retention 

Infinity Belting Finger Scraper Paddles patented flicking action provides superior belt surface cleaning and best of all impacts near zero pressure on your belt giving you a better option than traditional hard blade scrapers

Polymer Clamping assembly grips and holds your Scraper with no adjustment needed after install

Center Frame will withstand the rigors of your bulk handling operation

Rudimentary Jacking Bolt design allows for fast wear adjust

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